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Canon Elero - lightweight, easy to carry video camera with flip out screen

Panasonic DVX-100 - relatively lightweight mini-DV camera with the ability to shoot in 24p. Includes flip out view screen and can be connected to monitors, microphones and other accessories

Canon XL2 - mini-DV camera with the ability to shoot 24p that makes up for its heavy weight and lack of a flip out screen with the 20x telescopic lens that allows you to shoot from great distances. Due to the camera's weight, must be checked out with Bolle tripod


Bolle - Heavy duty tripod with fluid head for smoother tilts and pans

Lowell - lightweight tripod, that's good on the go


Lowell 7 lighting kit - large light kit

Lowell Lite lighting kit - the more portable but smaller light kit


Apple G5 Computer with DV/Mini-DV deck


Final Cut Pro 4 Editing Software


Final Draft Software



Questions about renting equipment? Contact Mason @

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