“Alita: Battle Angel” is a Visually Stunning, Expensive Popcorn FlickAlita: Battle Angel, based on the manga series Battle Angel Alita by Yukito Kishiro, follows a cyborg named Alita (Rosa Salazar) as she...
5 Films to Almost Make You Forget You’re Single this Valentine’s DayGalentine’s Day has passed, and Valentine’s Day is upon us. Sure, the chocolates are nice, but if you’re single, it can seem as if...
“Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” Swings From Screen to PageThere’s a lot I wish to address within this review, but first things first: you read that right. Yes, screen to page. We’ll get to that....
Quick Thoughts: "The Fifth Element" is an Amazing Resource for Studying Effective Visual S*Warning: spoilers may be found ahead. But if you haven’t already seen this movie, then drop everything and watch it right now.* The...
“Bohemian Rhapsody” review: A Film as Fearless as QueenThis past weekend, Bohemian Rhapsody made its way into theaters to a slew of unfavorable – or at the very least, disinterested – reviews...
In Preparation for Halloween, Week Five: "An American Werewolf in London"This entry marks the close of both the series and the month. I have no puns to mark this solemn occasion. Such things in a moment like...
In Preparation for Halloween, Week Four: "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"As of the time of writing this, October is thoroughly underway. Finally the temperatures have dropped into something akin to the Florida...
In Preparation for Halloween, Week Three: "Constantine"I’m running out of witty banter to begin with. No, seriously – no higher powers granted me any ideas on how to introduce this, and there...
In Preparation for Halloween, Week Two: "Dracula"Finally, October has arrived. It is now time for me to reveal my number four pick for this year’s Halloween movie marathon. Oh, and if...
In Preparation for Halloween, Week One: "Beetlejuice"October looms on the horizon. The temperature is beginning to drop. The winds are picking up. Soon, leaves will be changing colors, and...